When thinking of leadership, it’s common to picture people with titles like "CEO," "team captain," or "president." However, leadership isn’t confined to official roles. It’s a skill set and mindset that anyone can develop. For students seeking opportunities to grow professionally, embracing leadership skills through diverse experiences can be incredibly enriching.

In this blog, we’ll explore various leadership skills, styles, and how experiences such as traveling can cultivate these abilities, shaping you into a confident and adaptable future global leader. 


What Makes a Great Leader? 


At its core, leadership is about inspiring and guiding others toward a common goal.

To do this successfully, great leadership involves a blend of various skills and attributes, such as: 

  • Communication: The ability to clearly articulate ideas, listen actively, and provide constructive feedback. 
  • Empathy: Understanding others' perspectives and valuing diverse viewpoints. 
  • Decision-Making: Weighing options and making choices that benefit the team or organization. 
  • Adaptability: Being flexible and open to change, especially when faced with unexpected challenges. 
  • Confidence: Trusting your abilities and inspiring confidence in others. 
  • Problem-Solving: Identifying issues and coming up with effective, creative solutions. 
  • Emotional Intelligence: Managing your own emotions and recognising the emotional needs of others. 


These skills not only build strong leaders but are also crucial employability skills valued in any career. Developing them early will set you apart when applying for internships, jobs, or even volunteer opportunities. 


Student leadership development program


Exploring Different Leadership Styles 


It’s important to know that not all leaders are the same, and different situations call for different leadership approaches.

By understanding various leadership styles, students can identify their own tendencies and adapt as needed: 

  • Autocratic Leadership: This is when a leader makes decisions independently, providing clear directives to others. While this approach can be effective for quick decision-making, it may also impact creativity and morale. 
  • Democratic Leadership: This type of leader values group input and encourages team members to share their ideas. This style fosters collaboration and innovation amongst a team but can also be time-consuming if decisions are needed urgently. 
  • Transformational Leadership: Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams to achieve more than they thought possible. They focus on long-term goals and personal development, creating a sense of purpose and enthusiasm among the group. 
  • Transactional Leadership: This style is based on a system of rewards and punishments, focusing on short-term tasks and clear expectations. It can be effective in environments where strict guidelines are necessary, but it may limit creative problem-solving. 
  • Servant Leadership: A servant leader prioritises the needs and growth of their team, emphasising empathy and support. This approach builds strong trust and loyalty but requires a high level of patience and dedication. 
  • Laissez-Faire Leadership: This hands-off style allows team members to work independently, with minimal interference. It can be empowering in creative settings but may lead to confusion or lack of direction if not balanced with guidance. 
Examples of leadership styles and development opportunities


How Can Travel Experiences Build Leadership Skills? 


Travel is so much more than a chance to explore new places; it’s an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and develop key leadership and life skills.

Here’s how travelling can transform you into a strong future global leader: 

  • Building Cultural Competence: Travelling exposes you to diverse cultures, customs, and perspectives. Whether you're navigating a language barrier or learning about local traditions, these experiences help you to appreciate and adapt to differences – this is an essential trait for any leader. 
  • Strengthening Communication: When you’re travelling, effective communication becomes crucial. Explaining your needs, attempting to negotiate in different languages, and collaborating with others across cultures, all refine your ability to convey messages clearly and listen actively. 
  • Enhancing Problem-Solving: Whether you’re lost in a foreign city, managing a delayed flight, or trying to resolve a misunderstanding, travel frequently throws unexpected challenges your way. Learning to stay calm and come up with creative solutions will serve you well in any leadership role. 
  • Growing Self-Confidence: The more you step into new environments and overcome obstacles, the more confident you become. Travelling independently or even volunteering abroad builds resilience and trust in your abilities. 
  • Developing Adaptability: No trip ever goes 100% according to plan. Adaptability - the ability to shift plans and embrace new strategies - is honed through these unpredictable experiences. This flexibility is a hallmark of successful leaders. 
  • Building a Global Perspective: Travelling shifts your worldview, broadening your understanding of global issues. This makes you a more empathetic and informed leader, able to connect with people from all walks of life. 
Australian student volunteers abroad on leadership development program


Finding Opportunities to Grow Your Leadership Skills Through Travel 


If you’re excited about the idea of travel as a way to build leadership skills, consider these types of experiences: 

  • Study Abroad Programs: Participating in a study abroad program is a structured way to experience a new culture while pursuing your academic goals. Get in touch with our team to find out more about our Study Abroad opportunities in South Korea: [email protected]
  • Volunteer Abroad: Whether you’re facilitating educational workshops, contributing to environmental projects, or assisting with wildlife conservation efforts (like caring for elephants in Thailand), volunteering abroad gives you hands-on experience in leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. Check out our challenges here!
  • Adventure Leadership Programs: Alongside volunteer opportunities, there are also programs specifically designed to build leadership through adventure-based learning. These opportunities push you to take initiative, build resilience, and work effectively in teams. Elevate your Challenges Abroad experience and take your first step to becoming a Global Leader here!
Australian students on a volunteer abroad program in Thailand


How to Highlight Your Travel Experiences on a Resume 


Leadership and employability skills gained from travel experiences can set your resume apart from others.

Here’s a few of top tips on how you can effectively showcase these experiences: 

  • Create a Separate Section: If you have significant travel experiences, consider creating a “Global Experiences” or “Cultural Competence” section. Here you can highlight any relevant volunteer work, study abroad, or leadership roles you held. 
  • Use Action-Oriented Language: Frame your travel experiences in terms of the leadership skills gained. For example: “I led a team of students in organising community workshops for health education in Cambodia.” 
  • Connect Experiences to Professional Goals: Show how these experiences make you a stronger candidate for the role. For instance, if applying for a project management position, emphasise how navigating travel plans has improved your time management and planning abilities. 
Australian students developing leadership skills to boost their resume


Final Thoughts: Embracing Leadership Beyond the Classroom 


Leadership is not just about holding a title; it’s about growing through experiences that challenge and inspire you.

Travel offers a unique platform to build these skills in ways that a traditional classroom cannot. As you seek opportunities to develop your leadership style, we strongly recommend considering how travel can enhance your personal and professional growth. By stepping out into the world, you’ll gain not only life-long memories, but you'll also gain the skills and confidence to lead with vision and purpose - no matter where your path takes you. 

Here's something that could help you on your leadership development journey...